Thursday, August 9, 2012

Welcome to the Daedalus Diaries

Most people know the story of Icarus flying too close to the sun and melting his wings, but few people  acknowledge the important fact that Icarus flew in the first place.  He freaking flew.  So what if he failed to complete the flight in one piece - he flew.

Fewer people know that it was Icarus's father, Daedalus who built the wings for him as well as a set for himself.  Daedalus was also responsible for the Labyrinth on Crete that imprisoned the  Minotaur.  He is credited with inventing carpentry and many of the tools of the craft.  He also mastered flight without encountering the hazards of the Sun ala Icarus.  Daedalus was a fine craftsman and a creative engineer.

This blog is all about creative engineering and experimentation.  It is about exploring concepts and bending conventional ideas.  I thought it was appropriate to name it after Daedalus.  In this blog I plan to explore alternative energy, robotics, automation, and other interesting things that have previously been scattered in other places in my life.  I hope you enjoy reading and I look forward to your feedback.


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